Past Conference – 2019

IFD&TC 53rd Annual Conference
May 19th – May 22nd, 2019
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

2019 Program and Presentations
2019 Print-Friendly Program
2019 Attendees

Invited Addresses:

The Changing Landscape of Human-Centered Questionnaire Development

Paul Beatty
Paul Beatty
Chief, Center for Survey Measurement, U.S. Census Bureau

This presentation considers how some of our common questionnaire development methods are evolving in response to shifts in survey modes, availability of new data sources, and other notable changes in the survey landscape.

New Modes, New Data, Same Errors

Fred Conrad
Fred Conrad
Director, Michigan Program in Survey Methodology, University of Michigan

Fred Conrad is a Research Professor at the University of Michigan’s Survey Research Center. He will discuss several new and emerging modes for collecting conventional survey data (i.e., self-reports), specifically text messaging, virtual interviewers, and video-mediated interviewing. In addition he will talk about two types of data that are not self-reported but may hold promise for social and behavioral research: sensor data collected with smartphones and social media posts, specifically tweets. He will suggest that the Total Survey Error framework continues to apply and can help improve quality across modes and types of data.