IFD&TC Co-Treasurer – Role Description

IFD&TC Co-Treasurer – Role Description

The International Field Directors & Technology Conference elects 2 individuals to act as Co-Treasurers for each year’s conference.  Each of these co-treasurer positions are four years in duration, and are offset so that one is elected every two years.

The IFD&TC Charter states:

The directors of the IFD&TC are to be elected for multi-year, staggered appointments by a plurality vote of members in attendance at the annual Business Meeting. Terms and voting rotations are provided in the Bylaws of the IFD&TC. 

The complete IFD&TC charter is available at: https://ifdtc.org/charter/

The IFD&TC By-laws state:

5.2.5 Treasurers
The two treasurers shall oversee the receipt and disbursement of IFD&TC funds. The Treasurers shall report the status of the organization funds to the membership at the business meeting of the annual conference and file all necessary papers and forms for the organizations required by law.
The Treasurers shall be responsible for submitting the annual financial report for approval by the Board of Directors. The financial report shall be presented for discussion at the meeting prior to the annual meeting. The financial report shall be approved at the annual meeting.
At the end of the term the Treasurer shall deliver to the successor all books, monies, and other property of the IFD&TC then in his or her possession.

Expectations of Co-Treasurers

  • Attend the conference regularly, and in particular, attend each of the four years of their term as Co-Treasurer.
  • Consult on any financial issues and present a financial update at the yearly business meeting.

Primary Duties of Co-Treasurers

  • Monitor spending to ensure all deductions are legitimate and accurate.  Check account balance on a regular basis.
  • Pay the bill for Directors & Officers (D & O) insurance (typically paid mid to late fall).  Be ready to identify and select a new insurer if rates become too high.
  • In November, pay the bill for our National Registered Agent.  This agent is required by law.
  • Reimburse the expenses of the site-selection team, or any other approved special expenses.
  • Write checks to cover approved conference expenses such as hotel space, audiovisual rental, catering expenses, etc.
  • Assemble and provide tax information to accountant as soon as possible in the new calendar year.  If necessary, make payments to federal or state government.  Deposit any over-payments.
  • Post copy of tax returns on IFD&TC website.
  • Prepare annual budget statement for the conference business meeting.

Note that the Co-Treasurer’s employer must agree to fund the Co-Treasurer’s travel, hotel and registration fees for each year’s conference attendance, and agrees to allow the Co-Treasurer to attend the conference each of the 4 years of their term.